Property News
Sep 2023
September 2023

News: Welcome 'Bottle Brush' in Blacktown

Good news! We’re pleased to introduce our new home Bottle Brush: a bright and welcoming suite of purpose-built SDA villas in the heart of Blacktown, NSW.

Planned for completion in the second quarter of 2024, Bottle Brush is located in the vibrant and diverse suburb of Blacktown; 34 kilometres west of Sydney's Central Business District, and a short distance from an array of health services, amenities, and transportation options.

A spacious, modern, and aesthetically designed suite of independent villas, Bottle Brush was crafted in strict adherence to SDA Robust design standards. Its thoughtful design ensures a comfortable and accommodating environment for all tenants, with a focus on promoting independence and enhancing quality of life.

Read more about our Robust villas and design components here.

Artist's Impression

As with all homes in the Good Housing stable, Bottle Brush features a modern and striking architectural design, spacious and functional kitchen area, and a private ensuite bathroom. Each villa includes an array of customised design features and details to provide enhanced physical access for tenants with high level support needs.

Key features include: durable materials and furniture resistant to damage, soft-impact vinyl flooring, robust wall finishes and durable fixtures, curated colours and interiors to support a calm sensory environment, sensory sound proofing, reinforced walls and doors, spacious bedrooms and living areas, increased safety measures, integrated security systems and and emergency backup systems.

Other features include: adjustable kitchens and living spaces (with scope for accessibility modifications to be made within tenants' funding), curated furniture to accommodate tenants’ physical and intellectual needs, assistive technology (including home automation and communication technology) smart lighting and automated blinds for ambiance and accessibility, ramp access at street frontages and split system air conditioning and ducted heating.

Artist's Impression

We’re thrilled to be partnering with industry leaders Sylvanvale, to ensure our prospective tenants receive specialised support and care across every step of their housing journeys.

The Sylvanvale team are highly skilled in supporting people to live independently in their homes and local communities. Sylvanvale currently provide 24/7 home based supports in over 40 locations throughout the Greater Sydney region and Blue Mountains.

The team at Sylvanvale understand that everyone in life has different goals and different ways of building confidence. With a focus on teamwork and collaboration, the team work together with tenants and their support teams to achieve the lives they choose to live.

Read more about Sylvanvale here.

Artist's Impression

While you’ll have to wait a little longer for additional updates, we invite you to submit your expressions of interest today!

Could you see yourself or a family member living in one of our Good Homes? Get in touch today by completing our short enquiry form here.

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Image of a resident at his new home